viernes, 2 de enero de 2015

Hechos sobre china que harán estallar tu mente

Hechos sobre china que harán estallar tu mente

1) 20 millones de árboles son cortados cada año para fabricar palillos

China usa 80 billones de palillos al año. estos palillos de 0,5 mm a 1 cm y de 20 centímetros de largo pueden cubrir la plaza de Tiananmen 360 veces. los árboles que se cortan tienen una edad promedio de 20 años.

Fuente: South China Morning Post

2) Las vías férreas de china pueden darle la vuelta al mundo 2 veces

La longitud de las vías férreas en operación es de 93.000 km, mientras que la circunferencia de la tierra es de 40.075 km
Fuente: BAML

3) Las reservas de carbón de China pesan más que 575 millones de ballenas azules

115 billones de toneladas. China tiene la tercera reserva de carbón más grande en todo el mundo. La ballena azul es el animal más grande que ha vivido y pesa unas 200 toneladas o más. China produce el 46% de la producción mundial de carbón y consume el 49% de la producción global

Source: British Petroleum, Global Post

4) En 2 años china produjo más cemento que Estados Unidos en todo el siglo 20

China es el principal productor mundial de cemento, produce y consume alrededor del 60% del cemento del mundo.

Fuente: Financial Times

5) El tabaco mata a un millón de chinos cada año

Eso es más que toda la población de Chipre (850.000) La Organización Mundial de la Salud estima que para el año 2050 morirán 3 millones de chinos al año a causa del tabaco.

6) Las reservas de gas natural de China equivalen a 1.24 billones de piscinas olímpicas

109.3 trillones de pies cúbicos. China posee las décimotercera reserva de gas natural más grande del mundo. Una piscina olímpica posee un volúmen de 88.000 pies cúbicos.

Source: British Petroleum

China's annual instant-noodle consumption is enough to feed all of Algeria three meals a day for a year.

China consumed 42.5 billion packs of instant noodles in 2011. Algeria has a population of 38.7 million people.

Source: BAML

China eats about 5,200 Eiffel towers' worth of pork a year.

A vendor cuts up a piece of pork in her stall at a market in Beijing, January 11, 2013.

China consumed 52 million tons of pork in 2012 and 51.6 million tons in 2011. The Eiffel Tower is reported to weigh 10,000 tons.

Source: Rabobank

China’s 20 richest people have a combined net worth of $145.1 billion, which is larger than Hungary’s GDP.

Hungary has a nominal GDP of $124 billion.

Source: Forbes

Over 30 million people in China live in caves: that's more than the population of Saudi Arabia.

A man smokes at the door of his cave-room in Yuncheng, Shanxi province.

Many of China's cave-dwellers live in the Shaanxi province. Chinese president Xi Jinping reportedly lived in a cave when he was exiled to Shaanxi province during the Cultural Revolution.

Source: LA Times

About 8 billion pairs of socks are made annually in China's Datang District, also known as sock city.

Datang, Zhuji produces 8 billion pairs of socks a year, which is equivalent to about a pair of socks per person on the planet in 2011.

Source: The Guardian

China’s suicide rate is more than double that of the U.S.

China has a suicide rate of about 22.2 deaths per 100,000 people. This compares to 10.3 deaths per 100,000 people in the U.S.

Source: WHO/AFP

China is close in size to the continental U.S. but has just one time zone.

Beijing Standard Time is China’s only time zone. China used to have five different time zones, but in 1949, Chairman Mao decided to have just one to promote national unity. This means that in parts of China the sun can rise as late as 10 a.m..

Source: The Atlantic

China’s food system feeds nearly 25% of the global population on just 7% of its arable land.

"China's total farm output, a broad measure of food churned out, has tripled since 1978. The ramp-up in livestock production in particular is even more dizzying—it rose by a factor of five," reports Tom Philpott at Mother Jones.

Source: Mother Jones

Chinese consumer spending will triple by 2020.

Chinese consumer spending is projected to rise from $2.03 trillion in 2010 to $6.18 trillion annually in 2020. China will be the top global luxury market at $245 billion.

Source: Boston Consulting Group

Half of the world's pigs reside in China.

China is the world's largest pork consumer, so it's no surprise that 475 million, or half of the world's pigs reside there.


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